Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are you CRAZY?! Starting a Business in Today's Market

It seems like anytime an entrepreneur decides to launch out on their own, there's no shortage of folks to inquire about the mental health of said entrepreneur. However, in today's economy, it seems like this sentiment is on hyper-drive!

The good news is, when the time is right, these challenges serve to strengthen your resolve, and spur you on to finish what you've started. Also, because there is power in the words we say, the more we speak the vision, the more real it becomes and the more folks get behind it.

I've linked to a post on the CSO Online blog on this very premise... if the idea is good, the time is right to launch a company. It offers insights from several entrepreneurs that have successfully launched in tough times.

Here's some nuggets from the post to consider for those of you thinking of or in the middle of a startup right now...
  • "when the going gets tough, the posers go home" Doug Camplejohn, Mi5 Founder & serial entrepreneur
  • "It's not about the externalities. It is really about believing in ourselves and the validity of the technology" Aaron Turner, Co-Founder of RFinity on the premise that if the product has promise for profit, it will find a way to market.

Also, I was recently meeting with one of the top executives of Administaff to discuss Collaboration Insights. While we were meeting, he reminded me that Administaff started during a terrible economic environment in 1986. We now know that it has since gone on to create the PEO market.

Please share some of your favorite "insight" received in response to starting your own business.

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